Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Starting the Final Task

  Hi my name is Rigo and I am in AICE Media Studies learning about films and how they are made, the whole procces that a director goes through to make the movie. This is my first blog for my last film which is part of my final test for this class.  So far I have made two films since I started this class. A commercial and a music video. I am working byyself becuase that's just how I concentrate more and work fastest.
 Just from making those two films I have learned a lot. What I can do the best is in the actual filming and editing. I know who to use the software really well and I know everything the camera and tripod can do to get the most perfect shots. I know how to do everything else but those are the two things I feel I am the best at, and can easily do. Today in class I thought of three ideas for my class, and I wrote a pitch in all three. Pitches are short and explain the idea some one has for a new film. In class we are doing elevator pitches Wich means they are 30 seconds long, same amount of time it takes an elevator to get to the next floor. The pitch is to explain my ideas and see which one gets approved. My three pitches are:
1. My idea is of a sci fi movie that explores dreams and memories and how we interpret things, in our minds and try to distinguish reality from dreams.
2. My second idea is a gangster movie, of organized crimes happening around a city that slowly take over the city and gets over run by criminals.
3. My final idea is a horror movie, it's going to be about a hunter arriving at strange town looking for paranormal creatures that terrorize the residents of the town.

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